Theft and Larceny

A Law Firm Defending Clients Against Serious Theft And Larceny Charges

Whether you were accused of shoplifting or embezzlement, you can’t afford to be passive in your own defense. Instead, contact Powers Law, P.C. Our attorneys have 50 years of combined legal experience, and we aggressively advocate for the rights and freedoms of each client.

When you work with our firm, we take the time to hear your story, explain your legal options, and help you fight the charges or otherwise resolve them in the way that best meets your needs and goals. No matter what you were charged with, you can depend on our knowledge, experience and commitment to client service.

Are Theft And Larceny The Same Thing?

While we discuss both theft and larceny, these two terms can often be used interchangeably. They refer to the taking of someone else’s property, typically without violence or intimidation, but with the intention of depriving the owner of their property.

Examples of theft and larceny include:

    • Shoplifting
    • Embezzlement
    • Obtaining property through fraud or under false pretenses
    • Writing bad checks
    • Extortion

A related crime that prosecutors may charge is criminal possession of stolen property. Even if you didn’t steal the property (or it can’t be proven than you stole it), you can be charged with criminal possession if you knew that the property was stolen and you intended to benefit from it or to keep it from its rightful owner.

How Are These Crimes Charged?

Larceny can either be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the type of property stolen and its financial value. Petit larceny, which is a Class A misdemeanor, involves the theft property worth less than $1,000. As a misdemeanor, it is punishable by less than a year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

Stealing property worth more than $1,000 elevates the crime to grand larceny, which is a felony offense. Grand larceny is further broken down into four degrees, including:

  • Grand larceny in the fourth degree (Class E felony), for theft of property worth at least $1,000
  • Grand larceny in the third degree (Class D felony), for property worth at least $3,000
  • Grand larceny in the second degree (Class C felony), for property worth at least $50,000
  • Grand larceny in the first degree (Class B felony), for property worth at least $1 million

Property type can also influence charges. For instance, theft of a firearm constitutes fourth-degree larceny, while theft of the contents of an ATM would result in third-degree larceny charges.

With each increase in degree, prison sentences and financial penalties increase significantly. There are also sentencing enhancements for those convicted of repeat offenses.

You Have Rights – We Can Protect Them

Larceny cases are often more complex than they may initially seem, which is one reason why its so important to work with a skilled attorney. When you contact Powers Law, P.C., we will discuss your charges in a free initial consultation and explain how our firm can help. To get started, call us in Hauppauge, New York, at 631-242-2020, or submit an online contact form.

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